Nazari Logistic is a leading provider of comprehensive logistics solutions, offering sea shipping, air freight, freight forwarding, NVOCC, and road transportation services worldwide. With a global network of carriers and partners, we have the expertise and resources to handle the most complex logistics challenges and deliver tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of each customer. Our experienced team of logistics professionals is committed to providing reliable and efficient service, ensuring your shipments arrive on time, on budget, and with the highest level of quality. Trust Nazari Logistic to simplify your supply chain and streamline your logistics operations

About Nazari Logistic

city skyline under blue sky
city skyline under blue sky
brown concrete buildings beside river
brown concrete buildings beside river

Home & Locations

Dubai, UAE

Hamburg, Germany

Nazari Logistics is a global logistics provider with expertise in shipping and transportation services to destinations in Europe, Middle East, and West Asia. With our extensive network of carriers and logistics partners, we offer customized solutions to meet the unique needs of businesses of all sizes.

Our logistics services cover a range of countries including the Middle East, such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates. In Europe, we serve destinations such as Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom. In West Asia, we cover countries such as Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, and Kazakhstan.

Our experienced team of logistics professionals is dedicated to ensuring your shipments are delivered on time and with the highest level of quality. We offer a range of services, including sea shipping, air freight, road transportation, customs clearance, and warehousing.

Trust Nazari Logistics to handle your logistics needs and simplify your supply chain, whether you need to transport goods from the Middle East to Europe or West Asia or vice versa. We are committed to providing reliable and efficient logistics solutions to help your business succeed.


city scale under blue sky
city scale under blue sky
aerial photography of London skyline during daytime
aerial photography of London skyline during daytime
brown dome concrete building near bridge at daytime
brown dome concrete building near bridge at daytime
Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai during daytime
Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai during daytime
aerial photography of buildings
aerial photography of buildings
aerial photography of concrete buildings
aerial photography of concrete buildings